Thursday, October 19, 2017

More than Three Wishes

A book from my own library came across my path.  The author is the well known Joerg Zink, theologian, poet, activist.  Along with poems it features lovely nature photography.  The tittle is  "More Than Three Wishes"  ("Mehr als drei Wuensche")

We received it from an Aunt and Uncle, as per signature on the front page,  and I am guessing, they gave it when Stefan was suddenly taken from us.

At this present time, I am considering passing it on to a relative in Germany who has taken seriously ill with a brain tumor.  

But before I pass it on, I have to quickly read it again.  :)

This is a poem that caught my attention:

"Was ich dir wuensche?
Nicht, dass du 
der schoenste Baum bist,
der auf dieser erde steht.
dass du jahraus, jahrein
leuchtest von blueten
an jedem Zweig.

Aber dass dann und wann
an irgendeinem Ast
eine Bluete aufbricht,
dass dann und wann
etwas Schoenes glingt,
ein Wort der Liebe
ein Herz findet,
das wuensche ich dir."

Along with the poem we find a picture of tree branches that are very bare, except for scattered, scarlet irregular blosssoms.

Here it is in English translation (mine).

"What is my wish for you?
Not, that you are the very most beautiful tree,
that stands on this earth.
that you shine, 
year after year,
with blossoms
on every branch,

but that from time to time,
on any branch,
a blossom opens up,
that, from time to time,
something Beautiful succeeds,
that at times,
a Word of Love,
finds a heart,
--that is, what I wish for you."

It almost makes me cry because it so humble, yet profound in its aspirations, a prayer, a hope, slim or wide, taking into account all the suffering and frailties we experience in a lifetime...

The language, too, is humble.  It reminds us of the fairy tales with three wishes for oneself, but here someone has a wish for someone else, for that person to receive and give some things of beauty and love, any thing, any time, any place.

Image result for tree branches with a few blossoms

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