Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Paul Gerhardt--Hymnwriter / Music Symposium at CUCA, Edmonton/ James Abbington

We had a Music Symposium Mini, yesterday evening.  These mini's are monthly evenings with a speaker to talk about singing, choirs and hymn-writers, conducting, etc.  These events lead up to the larger Music Symposium in the summer.  I will provide links further down.

Last night's mini event featured the Rev. Dr. President Krispin of Concordia University College of Alberta, speaking on Paul Gerhardt.  We also sang several hymns together.  It was a great pleasure and very uplifting.   One of the participants sent me a link this morning to the collected English translations of Paul Gerhardt's songs.  They were translated by John Kelly and the entire item is a free download from Google.

The song I translated the other day:  "Go forth my heart..."  "Geh' aus mein Herz und suche Freud" is also found there, on page 289.  I have sung  through it with its own particular melody and I have to say that it mostly works. Hats off to Mr. John Kelly!  No easy feat, I can see, to make all that work out.

Our Concordia Music Symposium will be held Aug. 2nd and 3rd.  We have invited Dr. James Abbington to be our main presenter.  The pages that relate to further information are here and here.

Please, consider coming!  Everyone is welcome.  We have a great time with fun, food, fellowship, singing and learning.  If anyone needs further information or assistance, they can also speak to me. Please, do.

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