Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"God Grant It" by C.F.W. Walther

Just to mention, my husband and I have been faithfully reading C.F.W. Walther's devotional this year, mostly on my husbands initiative--which means something.

C.F.W. Walther has so much to give and everything he says rings true also about our time, if not about ourselves.  My husband has become dependent on his daily dose of Walther before bedtime.  It calms him down and sets things right with the world.  The clarity of it all soothes his soul and the forward looking to heaven puts him on the straight and narrow in thought and feeling.  (Happy husband.) Some of the sections can be a little long and the translation seems a bit convoluted at times.  So we have taken to each reading it and then talking about it. ( Happy wife.)  There is so much meat, here, that Walther's book is a real essential part of the home library. --  Five stars.  :)

Find it at Amazon.
Find it at CPH.

God Grant It

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