Friday, July 17, 2009



"Trauung" is the wedding ceremony. But what does the word exactly mean: "vertrauen" is "to trust"; "sich trauen" is to dare; "anvertrauen" is "to entrust". All three work into the wedding: to dare, to trust, to entrust. The closes I think is the "anvertrauen", to entrust.

The Bible verse is: "Gott ist die Liebe, und wer in der Liebe bleibt, der ist in Gott und und Gott in ihm." 1. John 4:16.

"God is love and whoever remains in love is in God and God in him."

The song is: "Herr, vor dein Antlitz treten zwei um kuenftig eins zu sein und so einander Lieb und Treu bis in den Tod to weihn."

Lord, here are Two coming before your face to become One from hereon, to promise to each other love and faithfulness until death.

"Sprich selber Amen auf den Bund, den sie vor Dir vereint. Hilf, dass ihr Ja, von Herzens Grund fuer immer sei gemeint."

Speak yourself the Amen to the union. Help that the "yes" be meant from the bottom of the heart for always.

"Zusammen fuege Herz fuer Herz, dass nichts hinfort sie trennt. Erhalt sie eins in Freud und Schmerz bis an ihr Lebens End."

Unite the hearts, so that nothing can separate them henceforth. Keep them as one in joy and sorrow until life's end.

A beautiful simple song. Chosen by a couple both previously divorced.

The quote below from Dostojewskij: "See, how joy and happiness make a person (Menschen) beautiful. How breathes the heart in love."

They were very happy and very prayerful and very hopeful and very beautiful.

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